Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My income has jumped $3.98 since yesterday

Ok if you have been following my earnings from eHow for this month you can see the rapid increase. I posted yesterday that my earnings so far was $25.64; well today when I logged in it is at $29.62. This is wonderful!!!! It is only the 19th and we still have 12 more days in this month.

I am still at 61 articles, but I noticed the article that I just posted two days ago How to make money (without) Google Adsense has already made $4.94. That is amazing growth for a short time. I have a good feeling about this article.

This rapid increase is directly linked to the ebook How to earn passive income on eHow By going back and applying what I learned in the ebook is paying off.


  1. that's great. i only have about 10 dollars and 37 articles.

  2. That is great. You will see progress. It has a lot to do with the keywords.


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